Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lush Lacquer Color Me Gray

Today I have on Lush Lacquer's Color Me Gray!
This is a beautiful sheer gray based polished with a bunch of different colored small hex glitter! You can get this opaque on its own but I chose to layer it over a gray polish.
This is 2 coats of Color Me Gray over Sinful Colors Muse.

Lush Lacquer polishes are available on Etsy.


  1. Hiya!
    I just came across your blog.
    I'm only new to blogging too and I love following bloggers who are new too so I hope you're able to follow back :)
    I love this glitter nail varnish. The colors are cool. I did a 'glitter varnish on a budget' post so check it out and see what you think.

    Can't wait to see your next post

  2. Looks great! I dread the thought of getting it off! Glitters drive me nuts! :)
    I have nominated your blog for a Liebster award HERE on my blog... I am your newest follower and look forward to seeing your mani's
